Raising people from the dead

I just visited Malawi and interviewed a woman who was raised from the dead. Amazing.

So tell me, would your faith be great enough to pray for someone to come back to life if you felt an unction from the Holy Spirit to do so?

1 comment:

mike said...

Possible Scenarios:
1. A "test" to see obedience will follow
2. If prompted by the Holy Spirit, He's already determined that faith to do this is there.
3. If prompted by the Holy Spirit, He will give the faith necessary to accomplish this.

I've wrestled with this ever since I encountered stories of Smith Wigglesworth years ago. Not a death/funeral goes by that the "is this it" thought goes through my mind. I think, in the USA, to pray over the dead person much less to lift the body up and walk around the room with it a la Wigglesworth would bring about a beat down from friends and family. We're very much behind the times, it appears, than other parts of the world when it comes to matters of miracles & spiritual warfare. In my limited opinion, it has to do with issues of contentment (we've got it too good to do anything to rock the boat) and Lordship (Do we really believe He's Lord over everything -- even Life & death). Can't wait to see the videos!!!