Are you creative?

Last year I asked a number of pastors why they don't gather their group leaders together regularly for encouragement. Most said their leaders are too busy to meet (a subject for another blog post), but a few revealed "I just don't have enough to say or do with them to make it worthwhile and valuable. Life is so crazy that I don't have time to prepare a knockout monthly meeting for them month in and month out."

With this in mind, I've asked small groups and cell groups pastors to put together a dozen agendas for leader huddles so TOUCH can publish them, which would give a busy pastor a year's worth of content to use with his leaders for encouragement, leadership development, and support.

One would think it wouldn't be all that difficult to open up a file cabinet or computer folder and yank some historical stuff out of a file and send it to me for consideration, but it must not be that simple, or Satan's attempting to spoil this endeavor.

I choose to think it's spiritual oppression. I know pastors out there have done some amazing and creative things when they gather leaders and it should be shared with others who are not so creative or don't have the time or energy to create it themselves.

Here's where YOU come in. Would you be willing to create a "Vision, Huddle, Skills" outline for a small groups/cell groups pastor to use? If so, click the link below to read more. By writing just one guide for a church's monthly gathering of leaders, you will bless countless pastors and churches while simultaneously spoiling the schemes of the Devil to thwart this kingdom-building endeavor.


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