I am currently reading an excellent book by the Dave Workman, lead pastor of the Cincinnati Vineyard. It's a collection of 2 minute radio scripts he wrote for a daily broadcast he does to help believers adopt and expand an outward focused life.
I'm about a third of the way through it and it's hitting home with me in a number of places. In fact, last night I read two of them to Etna... which I do not usually do!
It's written as a general reading book, but makes for an excellent daily devotional for small group members and leaders. I highly recommend this book. Makes a great gift for a new believer, or a "toilet tank reader" for the person who will read a page a day but not a whole book in a week or less like a pastor might do.
(BTW, if you click below to buy it from amazon.com, my ministry will get a little referral fee and it won't cost you any extra.)
This afternoon, I'm wrapping up my prep work for a training weekend in Melbourne, Florida. I'll work with Calvary Church's coaches on Friday night and core teams from many of their small groups on Saturday. On Friday night, I'll give each of the coaches a self-assessment tool I just developed, which I wanted to share with you...
The Small Group Coach's Self-Assessment
Feel free to download it and print it for use in your church. (Right click on the link above to save it to your computer. Or, if you want to view it, just click the link and the PDF should load in your browser).
One word of caution though... it's not a "nice" assessment. After I designed it I took it myself (because I'm a coach over 3 groups at the Houston Vineyard) and wow, do I have a lot to work on to get my numbers up to where they should be. So, do your coaches a favor and take it yourself before you give it to them so you can preface the gift of the tool with a spoon full of mercy and grace.
Can a brotha get a box of Band Aids over here? I've just been sliced up!!!
I told you, but noooooooooooo, who's gonna believe the author?
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